These Regulations constitute the rules and regulations for the provision of services by electronic means within the meaning of Article 8(1)(1) of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended), taking into account the provisions of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827).

Before placing an order, you should familiarize yourself with the regulations of the country in which you are placing an order for the product, and only then place the order. In some countries it may be prohibited to buy (even order online), use, possess or distribute products distributed by

By using our website, you are aware of this and accept responsibility for the possible consequences!

Only persons who are 18 years of age or older, provide correct information when placing an order, accept the business terms and conditions/general terms and conditions and consider them binding may purchase from the online store. By placing an order, the customer declares that he understands and accepts the following terms and conditions. Our products cannot be used by minors under 18 years of age, pregnant women and patients with cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Please use our services only if you agree with each point of these Terms and Conditions and consider them binding. You can place an order only after accepting these Terms and Conditions.

In the case of a retail customer, the purchase price is the consumer price indicated next to the products, which includes the VAT applicable in your country. In the case of a B2B customer, net prices are indicated next to the products, to which VAT must be added. The total order amount includes the cost of shipping. All prices given in the store are in Polish zloty.

§ 1. General provisions

1.These Regulations define the terms and conditions for the provision of electronic services and sale of goods by the Seller on the website located at

2.The terms used in these Regulations have the following meaning:

a)Seller - MCAPITAL MEDIA SP. z oo ul. Świętokrzyska 30 / 63, 00-116 Warsaw, NIP: 7010756329. Regon: 368642101. KRS: 0000701805. E-mail:

b)Store - the seller's online store, operated at the Internet address

c)Customer - a natural person, legal person or organizational unit with legal capacity, making purchases at the store.

d)Consumer - a natural person making a legal transaction with the Seller, who is an entrepreneur, not directly related to the economic or professional activity of that person

e)Newsletter - materials sent by the Seller electronically to Customers who have expressly agreed to receive them, which may constitute commercial information within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on electronic service provision (Journal of Laws 2002 No. 144 item 1204 as amended).

§ 2 Conditions for provision of services by electronic means

1.To ensure proper and uninterrupted use of the Store and services provided through it, the device used by the Customer should meet the following minimum technical requirements:

a.Have a connection to the Internet providing data transmission,

b.have a web browser, i.e. software used to view content available on the Internet. Only accepting Cookies and Java Scripts may interfere with the proper operation of the Store's website,

c.have an active e-mail account.

2.In order to read e-mail correspondence and its attachments it is necessary to have: the case of e-mail correspondence - an active e-mail account, the case of attachments, including in particular text files - computer software that supports files of a given type, in particular .pdf, .doc., .docx, .txt, .jpg etc.

3.The scope of services provided by the Seller does not include the provision of equipment or software indicated in paragraph 1.

4.The use of services provided electronically within the Store, due to data transmission over the public Internet network, involves the risk of interference by unauthorized third parties in the data sent between the Seller and the Customer.

5.The Customer is prohibited from providing unlawful content.

§ 3.Types and scope of services provided electronically and the conditions for conclusion and termination of contracts for the provision of electronic services.

1.The Store offers the sale of goods.

2.Each Customer may create an individual account in the Store free of charge. For this purpose, you need to fill in the registration form and click on the "Register Account" button. The creation and use of the account is free of charge. The service of maintaining the Customer's account in the Store is provided for an indefinite period of time. The Customer may cancel the maintenance of the account at any time by sending an appropriate request to the Store's email address

3.Each Customer may subscribe to the Newsletter free of charge. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide an e-mail address and agree to receive commercial information within the meaning of the Act of July 18, 2002 on electronic service provision (Journal of Laws 2002 No. 144 item 1204, as amended). Newsletter subscription is free of charge. The Newsletter sending service in the Store is provided for an indefinite period of time. The Customer may unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time by sending an appropriate request to the Store's email address or by entering his/her email address in the "Newsletter" field and clicking the "Unsubscribe from Newsletter" button.

4.No minimum duration of the consumer's obligations under the contract for electronic services is established; the contract may be terminated at any time in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 above.

§ 4.Conditions for making purchases

1.Information on the pages of the Store regarding the products offered for sale, in particular their descriptions, specifications, parameters and prices, do not constitute an offer, but an invitation to conclude a contract within the meaning of Article 71 of the Civil Code.

2.To conclude a contract of sale and purchase a product, it is not necessary for the Customer to create an account referred to in § 3 paragraph 2 of these Regulations.

3.In order to place an order and conclude a contract of sale, the Customer should fill out a form, providing the following data in it:

- first and last name,

- e-mail address,

- address data for shipment,

- telephone number,

- data for a VAT invoice (optional, only if a VAT invoice is requested).

4.The Administrator processes the personal data of the data subject for the following purposes:

(a) proper execution of the concluded contract,

b) telephone or e-mail contact with the person filling out the contact form on the website;

5.All prices shown in the Store for a retail customer are given in Polish zloty and are gross prices (including VAT).

6.The contract of sale is concluded at the moment of confirmation by the Store of the order placed by the Customer, which at the same time constitutes acceptance by the Store of this order for execution. Confirmation of order acceptance is sent by e-mail within 2 working days from the date of placing an order by the Customer.

7.If the veracity or reliability of the data entered into the form by the Customer raises doubts, the Store may withhold acceptance of the order for processing until these doubts are clarified. To this end, the Store will immediately contact the Customer.

8.The term of performance by the Seller is up to 30 days from the date of conclusion of the contract. The order is fulfilled by the Store, according to the choice made by the Customer, through a postal operator or a courier company.

9.The Customer and the Store are bound by the price of the goods in effect at the time the Customer places the order.

10.The shipping costs of the purchased goods to the address indicated by the Customer in the order placed by the Customer shall be charged to the Customer, unless the parties expressly agree otherwise. The amount of these costs is presented to the Customer in the course of placing the order and depends on the delivery method and payment method selected by the Customer. In the order being placed, the Customer should select the form of payment.

11.The payment term depends on the form of payment selected by the Customer. In the case of prepayment (§ 4 paragraph 10 letter a of these Regulations), the Customer should make payment on the day of placing the order. If payment is not made by the above date, the Store will contact the Customer to explain the delay.

12.The purchased goods are accompanied by a receipt, which is confirmation of the purchase, unless the Customer has requested a VAT invoice.

§ 5. complaint procedure

1.The Seller is obliged to deliver the purchased item without defects. If a defect in the purchased product or a defect in the service provided by the Seller electronically is found, the Customer may initiate a complaint procedure.

2.A physical defect consists in the incompatibility of the thing sold with the contract. In particular, the sold thing is inconsistent with the contract if:

(a)does not have the properties that a thing of this kind should have due to the purpose specified in the contract or resulting from the circumstances or purpose

b)it does not have the properties that the seller assured the buyer of, including by presenting a sample or model

c)is not suitable for the purpose about which the buyer informed the seller at the conclusion of the contract, and the seller has not raised any objection to such purpose

d)has been delivered to the buyer in an incomplete state.

3.The sold thing has a physical defect also in the event of improper commissioning of the thing, if these actions were performed by the seller or a third party for whom the seller is responsible, or by the buyer who followed the instructions received from the seller.

4.Complaints about ordered products or services may be submitted by e-mail to,

5.The customer in the complaint should indicate:

a.his name and surname

b.proof of purchase

c.the subject of the complaint and its cause confirmed by a recording or photo information (mailing address, e-mail address) enabling the Customer to be contacted after the complaint has been resolved.

6.If the data provided by the Customer are not sufficient to consider the complaint by the Seller, the Seller will immediately contact the Customer in order to supplement the existing deficiencies of the complaint.

7.The time limit for consideration of a complaint submitted by the Customer is 14 days from the moment of its submission. If the Customer, who is a consumer, demanded replacement of the item or removal of the defect, or made a statement on price reduction, specifying the amount by which the price is to be reduced, and the Seller did not respond to this demand within 14 days, it is considered that the demand was considered justified.

8.The Customer will be notified of the resolution of the filed complaint by e-mail to the address specified by the Customer.

9.If the buyer is a Consumer, and the physical defect was discovered before the expiration of one year from the date of issue of the sold thing, it is presumed that the defect or its cause existed at the time when the danger passed to the buyer.

10.If the sold thing has a defect, the buyer may make a statement to reduce the price or withdraw from the contract, unless the Seller immediately and without excessive inconvenience to the buyer replaces the defective thing with a defect-free one or removes the defect. This limitation does not apply if the thing has already been replaced or repaired by the Seller, or the Seller has failed to comply with the obligation to replace the thing with a defect-free or remove the defect.

11.If the buyer is a Consumer, he may, instead of the removal of the defect proposed by the Seller, demand the replacement of the thing for defect-free or, instead of replacing the thing, demand the removal of the defect, unless bringing the thing into conformity with the contract in the way chosen by the buyer is impossible or would require excessive costs compared to the way proposed by the Seller. In assessing the excessiveness of costs, the value of the defect-free item, the type and significance of the defect found shall be taken into account, as well as the inconvenience to which the buyer would be exposed by another way of satisfaction.

12.The buyer may not withdraw from the contract if the defect is insignificant.

13.If the sold thing has a defect, the buyer may demand replacement of the thing with a defect-free one or removal of the defect. The seller may refuse to comply with the buyer's request if bringing the defective thing into conformity with the contract in the manner chosen by the buyer is impossible or in comparison with the other possible way to bring it into conformity with the contract would require excessive costs.

14.If the buyer is a Consumer, he may demand from the Seller to disassemble and reassemble, but he is obliged to bear a part of the related costs exceeding the price of the sold thing, or he may demand from the Seller to pay a part of the costs of disassembly and reassembly, up to the amount of the price of the sold thing.

15.The buyer who exercises warranty rights is obliged, at the Seller's expense, to deliver the defective thing to the place specified in the contract of sale, and if such a place is not specified in the contract - to the place where the thing was delivered to the buyer. If, due to the nature of the thing or the manner of its installation, delivery of the thing by the buyer would be excessively difficult, the buyer is obliged to make the thing available to the Seller at the place where the thing is located.

16.The Seller shall be liable under the warranty if a physical defect is discovered before the expiration of two years from the date of delivery of the thing to the buyer. If the buyer is a Consumer and the object of sale is a used movable item, the Seller shall be liable under the warranty if the physical defect is discovered before the expiration of one year from the date of issue of the item to the buyer.

§ 6 Information for Consumers

A customer who is a Consumer has the opportunity to use out-of-court means of processing complaints and claims:

1.Submission of a request for consideration of a dispute arising in connection with the concluded contract to a permanent amicable consumer court operating at the Trade Inspection

Pursuant to the Act of December 15, 2000 on Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws of 2001, No. 4, item 25, as amended), permanent amicable consumer courts operate at provincial trade inspectors and are established on the basis of agreements on the organization of such courts, concluded by provincial inspectors with non-governmental organizations representing consumers or entrepreneurs and other interested organizational units.

Permanent amicable consumer courts handle disputes over property rights arising from contracts for the sale of products and provision of services concluded between consumers and entrepreneurs. In order to initiate such proceedings, the consumer should address an appropriate request to such an arbitration court to consider the dispute. In such a request, the parties to the dispute (data of the consumer and the entrepreneur who are parties to the contract) and the subject of the dispute should be accurately identified. In addition, a copy of the application, drawn up and signed in this way, should be attached for delivery to the opposing party (entrepreneur).

If the prerequisites for the consideration of the dispute by the court are met and the submitted application can be given further course, the chairman of the permanent amicable consumer court serves a copy of the application to the opposing party (entrepreneur) and calls on him to submit a written response to the application within a week from the date of service of the summons, together with a statement whether he agrees to the settlement of the dispute by the court indicated in the application. If the entrepreneur who is a party to the dispute declares that he agrees to have the dispute heard by the court indicated in the application, the presiding judge shall set a date for the hearing and take steps to prepare the hearing. In turn, if the above-mentioned one-week period has expired without success, or if the entrepreneur who is a party to the dispute declares that he does not agree to have the case decided by the court indicated in the application, the presiding judge shall return the application to the consumer, informing him of the reason for the return. Thus, the condition for the settlement of a dispute by a permanent arbitration consumer court is the consent of both parties to the settlement of the dispute by such a court.

The submission of a request for dispute resolution to a permanent amicable consumer court is free of charge. If, on the other hand, the taking of an action by such a court is connected with expenses (e.g., an expert opinion), the court shall call on the party that requested the action to make an advance payment to cover these expenses. If both parties requested the action or the court ordered the action ex officio, the court shall call on the parties to make an advance payment in equal parts or in a different ratio.

The verdict of a permanent amicable consumer court and the settlement reached before such a court are enforcement titles. After they are declared enforceable by the court, such a judgment or settlement, as an enforcement title, is the basis for initiating enforcement proceedings.

Detailed information on mediation proceedings before permanent amicable consumer courts can be found at the offices of individual provincial inspectorates of the Trade Inspection and on their websites.

2.Applying to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection with a request to initiate mediation proceedings for the amicable termination of a dispute between a consumer and an entrepreneur

According to the Law of December 15, 2000 on Trade Inspection, the provincial inspector of Trade Inspection may undertake mediation proceedings for the amicable termination of a civil law dispute between a consumer and an entrepreneur. Such proceedings may be initiated at the request of the consumer or ex officio.

In the course of mediation proceedings, the provincial inspector acquaints the entrepreneur with the consumer's claim, presents the parties to the dispute with the provisions of law applicable to the case and possible proposals for an amicable termination of the dispute. In doing so, the provincial inspector may set a deadline for the parties to conclude the case amicably.

The provincial inspector shall abandon the mediation procedure if the case is not amicably concluded within the set time limit, and if at least one of the parties declares that it does not agree to an amicable conclusion of the case.

The consumer should submit a request for mediation to the provincial inspector of the Commercial Inspection. The request can be submitted in writing (mail, e-mail, fax, directly at the inspectorate's secretariat) or orally (for the record). In the application, the consumer should accurately identify the parties to the dispute (data of the consumer and the entrepreneur who are parties to the contract), the subject of the dispute, describe his demand and attach photocopies of writings relevant to the case (e.g., receipt, expert opinion, etc.).

You can find detailed information on mediation proceedings before the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection at the offices of each provincial inspectorate of the Trade Inspection and on their websites.

3.Free assistance from a district (city) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include the protection of consumer rights

Any consumer can use the free assistance of a district (city) consumer ombudsman. According to the Act of February 16, 2007 on competition and consumer protection (Journal of Laws of 2007, No. 50 item 331, as amended), the tasks of the consumer ombudsman include in particular:

- providing free consumer advice and legal information on the protection of consumer interests

- making proposals on the establishment and amendment of local laws in the field of protection of consumer interests

- Addressing entrepreneurs in matters of protection of consumer rights and interests

- cooperating with the Office's locally competent delegations, trade inspection authorities and consumer organizations

- performing other tasks specified in the law or in separate regulations.

The consumer ombudsman may, in particular, bring actions on behalf of consumers and enter, with their consent, into pending proceedings in cases of protection of consumer interests.

The consumer ombudsman in cases of misconduct to the detriment of consumers is a public prosecutor within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of August 24, 2001. - Code of proceedings in misdemeanor cases (Journal of Laws No. 106, item 1148, as amended).

The businessman who has been approached by the consumer ombudsman is obliged to provide the ombudsman with explanations and information that are the subject of the request, and to respond to the ombudsman's comments and opinions.

Contact details for the nearest district (city) consumer ombudsman can be found in the search engine of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, available at

In addition, from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 800 007 707, consumers can use the Consumer Federation's toll-free Consumer Hotline (details available at,745,infolinia-konsumencka-800-007-707.html).

§ 7. withdrawal from the contract

1.The Customer who is also a Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded remotely within 14 days without giving any reason and without incurring costs, except for the costs specified in the Act of June 24, 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827). Detailed information on the exercise of the right of withdrawal can be found in Appendix 1 to these Regulations.

2.Declaration of withdrawal from the contract may be made by the Consumer on the form, the model of which is attached as Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations. The use of this form is not mandatory, and the Customer may submit a statement of withdrawal from the contract also in other ways.

3.Returned goods should be sent back to the address: MCAPITAL MEDIA SP. z oo Plac Wolności 4, 40-078 Katowice.

4.The right to withdraw from the agreement concluded off-premises or at a distance does not apply to the Consumer in respect of agreements:

a)for the provision of services, if the entrepreneur has performed the service in full with the express consent of the consumer, who was informed before the start of the service, that after the performance of the service by the entrepreneur will lose the right to withdraw from the contract

b)in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market, over which the trader has no control, and which may occur before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the contract

c)in which the subject of performance is a non-refabricated item, produced to the consumer's specifications or serving to meet his individualized needs

d)in which the subject of the performance is an item subject to rapid deterioration or having a short shelf life

e)in which the subject of the performance is an item supplied in a sealed package that cannot be returned after opening the package for health or hygienic reasons, if the package has been opened after delivery

f)in which the subject of the performance are things that after delivery, due to their nature, become inseparable from other things

g)in which the subject of performance are alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed upon at the conclusion of the contract of sale, the delivery of which can only take place after 30 days and the value of which depends on market fluctuations over which the entrepreneur has no control

h)in which the consumer expressly requested that the trader come to him/her for urgent repair or maintenance; if the trader provides in addition other services than those requested by the consumer, or provides things other than spare parts necessary for the repair or maintenance, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract with respect to additional services or things

i)in which the subject of performance is sound or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in sealed packaging, if the packaging has been opened after delivery

j)for the supply of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, except for a subscription contract

k)concluded through a public auction

l)for the provision of accommodation, other than for residential purposes, transportation of goods, rental of cars, catering, services related to leisure, entertainment, sports or cultural events, if the contract specifies the day or period of service provision

m)for the provision of digital content that is not recorded on a tangible medium, if the performance has begun with the express consent of the consumer before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the contract and after the entrepreneur has informed him of the loss of the right of withdrawal.

§ 8 Provisions for contracts with Customers who are not consumers

1.In the case of a Customer who is not also a Consumer, the Seller reserves the right to limit the forms of payment. In particular, the Seller may make acceptance of an order for execution conditional on prepayment by the Customer who is not also a Consumer.

2.In relation to the Customer who is not a Consumer, the contractual liability of the Seller for failure to perform or improper performance of an obligation, including under warranty for defects in the item, is limited to the amount of the price paid for the item and the cost of its shipment. The Seller's liability to the above extent does not include the benefits that the Customer who is not a Consumer could have achieved if the damage had not been caused to him.

§ 9 Copyright

All works available in the Store, especially photos, graphics and content are subject to copyright held by the Seller or third parties and are protected under the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (Journal of Laws of 1994, No. 2, item 23 as amended). The use of these works is permitted only to the extent that does not exceed the use permitted under applicable law.

§ 10 Final provisions

1.If changes are made to the Rules and Regulations, the Store will inform Users of the changes made and the date on which they become effective, through the publication of the consolidated text of the Rules and Regulations on the website, information displayed when logging into the Account referred to in § 3.2 of the Rules and Regulations, or by sending the consolidated text of the Rules and Regulations, information on the changes made and the date on which they become effective by e-mail to the User's address.

2.These Regulations are effective as of December 16, 2024.

Attachment No. 1 - Letter of withdrawal from the contract

Right of withdrawal from the contract

You have the right to withdraw from the sales contract within 14 days without giving any reason.

The withdrawal period expires after 14 days from the day on which you took possession of the item or on which a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you took possession of the item.

To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us:

Seller's data:


Plac Wolności 4,

40-078 Katowice,


about your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (for example, a letter sent by mail or e-mail).

You may use the model withdrawal form, but it is not mandatory.

In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient for you to send information on the exercise of your right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

Effects of withdrawal

In the event of withdrawal from this contract, we will return the payments received from you immediately, and in any case no later than 14 days from the day we are informed of your decision to exercise your right of withdrawal. We will return the payments using the same means of payment that you used in the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any case, you will not incur any fees in connection with the return. We may withhold the return payment until we receive the item.

Please send back or hand over the item to us immediately, and in any case no later than 14 days from the day you inform us of your withdrawal from this contract. The deadline is met if you send the thing back before the expiration of the 14-day period.

You will have to bear the direct costs of returning the item.

You will be liable only for the diminution in the value of the thing resulting from using it in a manner other than necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the thing.

Appendix No. 2 - Model withdrawal form

(this form should be filled out and sent back only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

1. addressee

MCAPITAL MEDIA SP. z oo Plac Wolności Street 4, 40-078 Katowice, NIP: 7010756329. Regon: 368642101. KRS: 0000701805. E-mail:

2. - I / We(*) hereby inform / inform(*) about my / our withdrawal from the contract of sale of the following things (*) the contract for delivery of the following things (*) the contract for work consisting in the performance of the following things (*) / for the provision of the following service (*)

- Date of conclusion of the contract (*)/collection (*)

- Name of the consumer(s)

- Address of the consumer(s)

- Signature of the consumer(s) (only if the form is sent on paper)

- Date