
NoNic & E-cigarete
As defined by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), which standardises the symbols, nomenclature and standards of physical quantities used by chemists worldwide, alkaloids are defined as a group of naturally occurring basic nitrogenous compounds and organic compounds, mainly heterocyclic, mostly of plant origin.
In addition, similar definitions are reproduced in the lite- rature, for example, D.K. Semwal in his book ‚The essential guide to alkaloids’ [1] states that alkaloids are ‚naturally occurring organic substances’, containing among other things nitrogen and having an alkaline nature. They are not necessarily of plant origin, as they can be synthesi- sed by other living organisms, including some animals. Nevertheless, their immanent characteristic is that they originate from biosynthesis. Accordingly, if a compound is not produced by living organisms, it cannot be called an alkaloid. To date, there are no reports that the chemi- cal compound known as 6-methylnicotin (systematically 2-methyl-5-[(2S)-1-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl]pyridine) occu- rs in nature in its pure form.

NoNic instead of nicotine
By replacing nicotine with the compound 6-methylnicotine, we have in mind such an important factor such as human health. In the composition of the ingredients, one of the objectives was to reclassify the mixture as significantly less hazardous compared to nicotine-containing mixtures, while maintaining the same level of user satisfaction. The most popular nicotine-containing e-liquids are most often classified in toxicity category 2 or 3, while our 6-methylnicotine compositions have a toxicity category of at most level 4. Most of the e-liquids we propose, due to the limited amount of active ingredient and the minimisation of ingredients causing allergic reactions, are not categorised as hazardous at all and therefore do not carry any pictograms either. Given the above, our innovative product is to a greater extent safe for both older and younger consumers.

NoNic Patent
As the method of using 6-methylnicotine as a substitute for nicotine composition in products, especially oral, inhalation and epidermal products for humans, has been patented by us in both the European Union and the United States, this makes us almost the exclusive manufacturer of this type of product worldwide.